Diving Near Monterey Aquarium - Dive 2
July 24, 2010
Dive Stats
Location: Monterey Aquarium
Depth: 40ft
Bottom Time: 38 mins
Gas: air
Visibility: 5
Temperature: 49°
- 15ft for 3 mins for safety stop
- Mike Heijmans
- Eesa Heijmans
This dive was skills dive for Lisa so I went off on my own. I went really slow and saw many tiny creatures. The solo dive was peaceful and all I had to think about was my thoughts. It was nice. On the way back to the anchor I ran into Don and a student. The student reached down to grab some kelp but it wasn’t kelp. It was a mermaid purse!! LUCKY! I hope to find another when I’m with Lisa in the future. I tried to take Lisa back to it but I couldn’t find it. :(